
Fall Out Boy  



Du du du du-du du du
Du du du du du-du du du

Some legends are told 那些被訴說的傳說
Some turn to dust or to gold 不是成灰就是成金(不成功便成仁)
But you will remember me 但你將永遠記得我
Remember me for centuries 我將會永傳好幾個世紀
And just one mistake 只要一個小失誤
Is all it will take. 就得付出很大的代價
We'll go down in history 我們將會被歷史記載
Remember me for centuries 而我將會永傳好幾個世紀
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me for centuries 我將會永傳好幾個世紀

Mummified my teenage dreams 我把我的年輕夢封存
No, it's nothing wrong with me 不 我並沒有瘋
The kids are all wrong, 孩子們都被誤導了
The story's all off 這故事也是錯誤的
Heavy metal broke my heart 沉重的重金屬敲碎了我的心

Come on, come on and let me in 趕快讓我的名烙印在你的世界
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints 在你腿上那些瘀痕都是我的指痕
And this is supposed to match 不會錯的
The darkness that you felt 你曾感到被黑暗壟罩
I never meant for you to fix yourself 但我不是故意傷害你要讓你自癒的


And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
直到全世界的人都認識我之前 我不會停止 
'Cause I was only born inside my dreams 因為我是為了夢想而生存的
Until you die for me, as long as there is a light, my shadow's over you
直到你為我死去 只要還有一絲光線在 我的影子就會吞噬你
'Cause I am the opposite of amnesia 因為你們忘~不~掉~我
And you're a cherry blossom 而你就像是櫻花
You're about to bloom 正要綻放的花蕊
You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon 看起來絢麗 但也只是曇花一現


We've been here forever 我們一直都在
And here's the frozen proof 而這些都是冰封的鐵證
I could scream forever 我可以永久地叫囂
We are the poisoned youth 我們就是一群敢於冒險的年輕小伙子


We'll go down in history 我們將會被歷史記載
Remember me for centuries 我將會永傳好幾個世紀
    Fall Out Boy Centuries

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