Gareth Emery 來自英國的 DJ 和 EDM producer
一直到26歲後,搬去曼徹斯特, 在那還開了間夜店和唱片公司,分別叫Garuda
從華威大學(University of Warwick)取得政治學位, 也是足球粉, 學過古典鋼琴
在進入電子樂這領域之前, 19歲的時候在一個龐克樂隊擔任吉他手
現在與老婆Kat. Gareth 住在洛杉磯, 他的妹妹 Roxanne Emery 也是從事音樂
Walking down the highway traffics coming my way 沿著公路一直走 車來車往
all I see are flashing lights 我只能看到閃爍的車燈
People wearing blue suits wanna know the real truth 他們想知道事實
how many did I have tonight? 今晚這是第幾次?
Looking at the wreckage anyone would guess that all inside had died
But I'm alive 但我是例外
Wake up in a strange place angels over my head
從一個陌生的地方中醒來 天使們在我頭上
one of them is shouting clear 其中一位對著我咆嘯
1000 bolts of lightning bring me back to life 像是十萬伏特把我打回現實
and it's a miracle that I'm still here 然而這真是個奇蹟 因為我還活著
As I'm coming too, screaming out for you I need you by my side
就像我對妳走來 呼喊著我要妳在我身邊
Now I'm alive 現在 我還活著
No I didn't pray to God 我不向上天祈禱
No I never saw the light 我也不曾看見希望的光
No I didn't watch my life go flashing right before my eyes
No I didn't do the things that they all said that I would do
I just close my eyes and all I saw was you
我只是閉上雙眼 看到的只有你
All the things in my head everything left unsaid
I never got a second to say 我也不曾有機會說
Knew that I adored you the moment that I saw you
我只知道遇見你那刻起 就喜歡上你
just terrified you'd push me away 只是害怕你會把我推開
Though we're dying slowly just want you to hold me what are we waiting for
儘管我們正在慢慢死去 我只想要你牽著我的手 還在猶豫什麼?
We're alive 我們還活著
No I didn't pray to God 我不向上天祈禱
No I never saw the light 我也不曾看見希望的光
No I didn't watch my life go flashing right before my eyes
No I didn't do the things that they all said that I would do
I just close my eyes and all I saw was you
我只是閉上雙眼 看到的只有你
If I don't die lying in the rain and I live another day
假如我沒死 只是躺在下著雨的地上 然後隔天醒來
then I'd run to you 那麼我會向你奔去
Cos I don't have regrets just things I never say I need you
因為我不後悔 沒對你說過我需要你
No I didn't pray to God 我不向上天祈禱
No I never saw the light 我也不曾看見希望的光
No I didn't watch my life go flashing right before my eyes
No I didn't do the things that they all said that I would do
I just close my eyes and all I saw was you
我只是閉上雙眼 看到的只有你