He is one of my fav cover singrs on Youtube. He has already had his own songs.
Whatever his covers or original ones, both I like very much.
他是我喜歡的翻唱歌手之一 他也有自己的歌曲
其是我還是比較喜歡他自己創作的歌曲 很有味道 又寫出很貼切到位的歌詞
Verse 1: Spend your whole life chasing dreams 用了一生在追逐夢想 Went from sidelines to major leagues 從小咖到進軍大聯盟 And now they say you finally made it 然而現在他們對你說 "你終於做到了" You must be happy 你一定開心至極 But on dark nights 但是回到一個人的夜晚 When you're counting sheep 當你睡不著在數綿羊時 And the good times are fast asleep 那些美好的時光總是過得特別快 You think, I am ok just maintain it 你想著 我很好繼續保持著 I should be happy 我應該開心的
Bridge: But when five years pass 但是五年過了 The same things don't make you laugh 對同樣的一件事情你已經失去熱心 And now ten years go by alone 現在十年又過去了 獨自一人
Chorus: So maybe it's time to go home 或許是該回家的時候了 Pack it up and leave em a note 收拾收拾 然後 留張紙條 Saying I don't wanna do this alone 寫著"我不想再孤軍奮戰了" So go pack those yellow boxes 所以整裡那些行李箱 And make your way home 然後往回家的路前行 When everything is out of control 當所有事情都不如所願時 And you feel like you have traded your soul 感覺就好像出賣了自己的靈魂一樣 For gold 只為了錢 Pack those yellow boxes and make your way 整理那些行李箱 然後出發 home 回家 Pack em up, pack em up 收拾 收拾 Yellow boxes 黃色箱子 Pack em up, pack em up 整理 整理 Yellow boxes 行李箱 Pack em up, pack em up 收拾 整理 You can always 只要你想要 Pack those yellow boxes 你就可以整裝出發
Verse 2: So you can spend your whole life 你可以用你的一生 How it's supposed to be 要怎麼做呢? And love right unconditionally 你可以無條件的奉獻愛 And you can say I found a way 或者可以說 我已經找到回家之路 Cause I got my family 因為在那裡 有個等我回的家
Bridge: Don't let five years pass 別白白浪費五年 And waste time you'll never get back 失去的時間換不回來 Don't let ten years go by alone 別獨自浪費十年的時間
Chorus: So maybe it's time to go home 或許是該回家的時候了 Pack it up and leave em a note 收拾收拾 然後 留張紙條 Saying I don't wanna do this alone 寫著"我不想再孤軍奮戰了" So go pack those yellow boxes 所以整裡那些行李箱 And make your way home 然後往回家的路前行 When everything is out of control 當所有事情都不如所願時 And you feel like you have traded your soul 感覺就好像出賣了自己的靈魂一樣 For gold 只為了錢 Pack those yellow boxes and make your way 整理那些行李箱 然後出發 home 回家 Ohh Ahh Ohh Ahh You can always 只要你想清楚後就 Pack em up, pack em up 收拾 收拾 Pack the yellow boxes 黃色箱子 Pack em up, pack em up 整理 整理 Pack em up, pack em up 收拾 整理 Pack the yellow boxes 行李箱 Pack those yellow boxes 整裝待出發
Repeat Chorus: Home, pack it up and leave em a note 回家 收拾好 然後 留張紙條 Saying I don't wanna be here alone, 寫著"我不想再孤軍奮戰了" So can you pack those yellow boxes 然後就可以帶著那些行李 And get yourself home 回家 When everything is out of control 當所有事情都不如所願時 And you feel like you have traded your soul 感覺就好像出賣了自己的靈魂一樣 For gold 為了錢 Pack those yellow boxes 整理那些行李箱 And make your way home 然後出發回家 Pack em up, pack em up 收拾 收拾 Pack em up, pack em up 整理 整理 Make your way home 回家 Pack em up, pack em up 收拾 整理 You can always pack those yellow boxes 只要你準備好了就帶著行李們 Make your way home 回家