Party people (party people)派對的人們 (派對的人們)
We have taken control of your minds (your minds) 我們來控制你們了(你的頭腦)
So get on the floor (oh yeah) 所以 快去舞池那(oh yeah)
‘Cause it’s time to kick up dirt, now let’s work 因為是時候要開始玩髒髒了 開始吧~~~
[Verse 1]
Hey – we’re gonna dance tonight, okay? 嘿 我們今晚來跳個舞 好嗎?
We’re all shining bright, let the music take you away 我們將會是閃亮之星 就讓音樂帶領著你
Don’t ask questions, just do everything we say 不要有任何的疑問 我們說什麼你就做什麼
[Verse 2]
On the floor, ladies shake that ass 舞池裡的女生們 擺動你們的電臀吧
Shake that, shake that ass, work it, twerk it, drop it fast 擺動、擺動妳們的電臀 扭腰、擺臀 越快越好
Fellas, whip your dick out – whip, whip your dick out 兄弟們 掏出你們的XX 掏、掏出來
Indiana Jones and whip your fuckin’ dick out 就算是印地安那瓊斯 也得把XX掏出來
Now punch your friend – punch, punch your friend 現在 揍你的朋友 揍扁你的朋友
Get on the fuckin’ floor and punch your best friend 倒了再拉起來 揍扁你的麻吉
Your butt look flat – make that shit flap 妳的屁股太沒肉了 但是還是得搖落企
Use the art of perspective, or hide it in a hat 要嘛就搖到大家都看到 不然就把它塵封算了
Go stupid, get stupid – because we said to do it 憨仔們 再白痴一點 因為我們說了算
Go dumb, eat garbage – we goin’ kindergarten 耍憨、吃垃圾 歡迎回到幼稚園時代
[Verse 3]
Yeah – you know, some of it might seem strange Yeah 我知道這樣有點奇怪
But don’t think, just obey 但是別想那麼多 服從就對了
Let the music play, ’cause we put it in the song 音樂還在播送中
So do everything that we say 所以 我說什麼你就做什麼
[Verse 4]
Have a motherfuckin’ baby on the floor 就在舞池上 把那該死的嬰兒生出來
Raise it in the club, homeschool it by the door 在夜店養大它 順便自己教育它
Now be ambidextrous – fuckin’ ambidextrous 要教它雙手並用 才夠屌
We’ll come around and test you 我們會考驗它
It’s no biggie on our checklist 這對它來說都是輕鬆過關
Now ladies, whip your dick out – whip, whip your dick out 好了 女士們 甩出妳們的XX吧 甩、把XX甩出來
Don’t ask how, just fuckin’ figure it out 別問怎麼做 TMD自己想辦法
Now make your booty speak – teach that ass English 現在 讓妳的屁股說說話 教它英文吧
Make it suck helium and (talk like this) 讓它吸氦氣 然後(像這樣講話)
Now eat the banana – potassium for stamina 現在 吃香蕉 吸收鉀補充點精力
Then build a school, burn it down 然後蓋間學校 再催毀它
Get on the floor and do it now 所有的事都會在這舞池發生
Fuck a house, eat a shoe, all because we told you to 上房子、吃鞋子 只因為我們說了算
[Verse 5]
So raise your glass, then break the glass 舉起你們的杯子 然後摔杯子
Then stomp your bare feet on the glass 之後赤腳在玻璃上跳舞
Champagne perks, popping mollies (這句我不懂..)
Middle fingers up, now chop ‘em off 比中指 然後切下來
Then pose nude for a family friend 再PO裸照給親戚或朋友
(And never speak of it again) (然後絕不再提起這件事)
The party’s here, and you can’t escape 派對一旦開始 你想逃也逃不了
(So just do everything that we say) (你只能照著我們說的做)
Go Zombie, be brainless 上阿 我的小殭屍們 變無腦吧
Here we are, entertain us 我們就是王道 耍憨給我們看
Get stupid, go moron 耍白癡吧 你們這群白痴
We goin’ kindergarten 歡迎回到幼稚園時代