不小心翻資料夾翻到的 原來已經是兩年前的事兒了
我已經重複播放好多次 且聽不膩
我知道錯了 別噓我......
可是大部分都還看得清阿~~~~哈哈哈 將就將就嘛 plzzzzz :))))
In memories, I had finished this file before I was going back to base.
It took me a half day translating and making this one as soon as it came out.
To those people who have to spend their most time in that place, having a leisure time is the most precious moment to them.
My happy holiday just dedicated to it, but it's still worth doing.
I love British accent, unfortunately I can't speak it at all, haha.
Yall know what it is, Muzik is my life.