
Mary Lambert - Secrets  

網路似乎很少有關於她的資訊, 所以在這簡略的介紹一下她

小的時候被性虐待過, 在六歲的時候 因為媽媽公開出櫃蕾絲邊 所以她的家人被趕出教堂, 之後自己成為了 福音派教徒

她在宗教與自己的性向掙扎了很多年, 還是在17歲的時候成為蕾絲邊 

她最後總結是 性向與基督教並無衝突, 還有那些批評同性戀的人是違背基督教的宗旨


MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS << 認識他們的話,  瑪莉也有參與並寫了他們The Heist 這張專輯 的 "Same Love"也是關於同志的歌曲 , 同時也跟她蕾絲邊的經驗有關連

然後也因為這首歌曲 延伸出She Keeps Me Warm這首歌曲 




I've got bi-polar disorder 我是很兩極化的人 
My shit's not in order 我的脾氣不受控制
I'm overweight 體重超標
I'm always late 不會準時
I've got too many things to say 還有很多事還沒說完
I rock mom jeans, cat earrings 我會穿媽媽的牛仔
Extrapolate my feelings 猜猜我想說什

My family is dysfunctional
But we have a good time killing each other 但是我們卻擁有很愉快的時光 


They tell us from the time we're young 他們從很早之前就跟我們說
To hide the things that we don't like about ourselves 把自己不喜歡的部分隱藏起來
Inside ourselves 深埋在心底
I know I'm not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else


Well I'm over it 但 我受夠了



I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are (secrets are)

I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are (secrets are)

So-o-o-o-o what
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~



I can't think straight, I'm so gay 我無法很坦率地思考 我很膽小
Sometimes I cry a whole day 有時還會哭上一整天
I care a lot, use an analog clock 關心的事情很多 需要時鐘看
And never know when to stop 但總是太過專注到忘了時間
And I'm passive, aggressive 我是被動攻擊型人格

I'm scared of the dark and the dentist 我害怕黑暗還有牙醫
I love my butt and won't shut up 我就是喜歡我的屁股
And I never really grew up 像個長不大的小孩


They tell us from the time we're young 他們從很早之前就跟我們說
To hide the things that we don't like about ourselves 把自己不喜歡的部分隱藏起來
Inside ourselves 深埋在心底
I know I'm not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else

Well I'm over it 所以我熬過來了


I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are (secrets are)

I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are (secrets are)

So-o-o-o-o what
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~


I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are (secrets are)

I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are (secrets are)

So-o-o-o-o what
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o what 那~又~
So-o-o-o-o (what)那~又~(


    Mary Lambert Secrets

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