


Don't do nothin' 'less your heart's in it 如果沒有心 那就別做了
Heart's in it, heart's in it 除非有心要做 除非有心要做
Don't do nothin' 'less you're all in it 如果你不是認真的 那也別做了
All in it, all in it 除非你拼了 除非你是認真的

[Verse 1]
If you got a twenty for all of your tries 假如你努力了二十次
Twenty for all of the times, the times you got back up, woah 
那二十次的時間 你往回看看的話 哇
Could be a billionaire in a year 你都能在一年內變億萬富翁了
That's how you gotta think 'till you're there, on the regular 
直到你成功之前 你都要保持這樣子的想法

If you got a diamond for all of your passion, diamond for your dedication
假使因為你的熱衷和奉獻 而得到一顆鑽石
You could be icy like caking, icy for every occasion, gotta go hard, yeah
你可以像結塊的冰一樣堅硬 對任何事都一樣 就是不能鬆懈
That's all I'm condoning it, love is a component
我會容忍 因為有愛是關鍵要素
You're the only opponent, gotta seize the moment
自己是你唯一的敵人 永遠記住那一刻

And don't do nothin' 'less your heart's in it 如果沒有心 那就別做了
Heart's in it, heart's in it 除非有心要做 除非有心要做
Don't do nothin' 'less you're all in it 如果你不是認真的 那也別做了
All in it, all in it 除非你拼了 除非你是認真的
Come again each time 一次又一次地 

'til the water runs dry  直到體力都用盡
Don't do nothin' 'less you're all in it 如果你不是認真的 那也別做了
All in it, all in it 除非你拼了 除非你是認真的

All in it, all in it 除非你來真的

[Verse 2]

If I had guitar missing five strings 如果我有一把少了五條弦的吉他
A guitar with only one string 只有一條弦的吉他
I could only play one song, ooh 我就只能彈出一首歌曲

A simple melody, simple enough to make the world sing
一首簡單的旋律 簡單到全世界的人都會哼

Strong enough to make your mood swing, you know what I mean
深刻到能使你的心情動盪起來 你應該知道我的意思

If you got a diamond for all of your passion, diamond for your dedication
假使因為你的熱衷和奉獻 而得到一顆鑽石
You could be icy like caking, icy for every occasion, gotta go hard, yeah
你可以像結塊的冰一樣堅硬 對任何事都一樣 就是不能鬆懈
That's all I'm condoning it, love is a component
我會容忍 因為有愛是關鍵要素
You're the only opponent, gotta seize the moment
自己是你唯一的敵人 永遠記住那一刻

And don't do nothin' 'less your heart's in it 如果沒有心 那就別做了
Heart's in it, heart's in it 除非有心要做 除非有心要做
Don't do nothin' 'less you're all in it 如果你不是認真的 那也別做了
All in it, all in it 除非你拼了 除非你是認真的
Come again each time 一次又一次地 
'til the water runs dry  直到體力都用盡

Don't do nothin' 'less you're all in it 如果你不是認真的 那也別做了
All in it, all in it 除非你拼了 除非你是認真的

All in it, all in it 除非你來真的

See growing up, I 看著自己長大 我
I always felt like I had to be the best at everything  總是覺得不管任何事都要當第一
'Cuz I, I just didn't think I was good enough 因為我 我只是不覺得我有那個能力
And maybe if I was good at something that I'd get recognition from that
或許 我在那些能
But I quickly found out that 但是我很快地就發現 
I wasn't gonna get the recognition that I wanted or that I needed
Because, because people aren't perfect
因為 每個人都是不完美的

And by not being perfect, you sometimes can disappoint people
也因為不完美 有時候你可以讓人沮喪

And with God, it's like he's perfect and he never disappoints
但神不一樣 他是完美的 從不讓人失望過
So I just get my recognition from him
所以 我從他身上得到認可

And give him recognition



    Justin Bieber All In It
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