


I think it's time to translate some EDM music cuz' I'm fucking love it. 



I followed you until the end 我會跟隨你 直到盡頭
I counted every step 我細數踏過的每一腳步
I did not know what was to come 我無法預知什麼事會降臨
Still I tried and dreamt 不斷地嘗試、幻想
I wondered where I was before 我徘徊在一個熟悉的地方
I honestly can’t say 我真的不知道怎表達 
This must be the love they speak of 這就是他們所說的 愛
And those myths I read 還有那些我曾讀過的神話


This must be the love*3 這一定是愛*3


When you know you are the one to keep

Oh we wonder how we did not see
噢 你我都想知道 當時怎麼都無感覺

Our eyes open when we found that love
當找到屬於我們的愛時 一切就無所遁形了

And we heal 我們重生了


I know you are the one to keep 我知道你就是我唯一想留住的人
Oh we wonder how we did not see
噢 你我都想知道 當時怎麼都無感覺

Our eyes open when we found that love
當找到屬於我們的愛時 一切就無所遁形了

And we heal 我們重生了


This must be the love*3 這一定是愛*3


Every moment waiting here 在這裡等候的每一刻
I feel more alive 我能感覺到我還活著
I could give this world away 我可以放棄這個世界
To keep this endless high 只為了讓這份愛無限蔓延
The scars within my heart are fading 在我心裡的傷口漸漸癒合
Bit by bit I’m healed 一點一點地被治癒了
The more I let go 只要放手
The more I am whole 就能找回自我
This time it’s for real 這一次 是真的


Bit by bit I’m healed*3 一點一點地被治癒了*3


When you know you are the one to keep 

Oh we wonder how we did not see 
噢 你我都想知道 當時怎麼都無感覺

Our eyes open when we found that love
當找到屬於我們的愛時 一切就無所遁形了

And we heal 我們重生了





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